Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

To all my friends, family, and loved ones, Wishing you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving today :-) Remember and cherish all the things and people that you are thankful for in your life, today and always, Enjoy feast of food, football, family, friends, and fun!!! :-) hugs, Anisha

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Poem for Hope
A Hong Kong Proverb

As long as we have hope, 
we have direction, 
the energy to move, 
and the map to move by. 

We have a hundred alternatives, 
a thousand paths and infinity of dreams. 

Hopeful, we are halfway to where we want to go; 

Hopeless, we are lost forever.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

History & Change

History has been made, and it is happening all around you. If you voted, you contributed to be a part of that history. Yes it is amazing, especially when you hear Reverend Jesse Jackson share his story of how he stood on stage when Martin Luther King was shot, and now he is here to see our nation's first African American president.
However, the vote is now over. The hype will fade away. And the hard work begins for President Barack Obama. And if you haven't realized this from history, one single person - alone, even the president, cannot change a nation. Yes one person can bring about change and make a difference. People like Gandhi, Mother Teresa, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King - none of whom were president. And even while one person - like these individuals - can make a difference, they cannot change the lives of all individuals of a nation, or in the world.
We wait for a leader who will bring about change, when we can be leaders ourselves, as individuals, and bring about change in every moment of our lives. Why are we waiting for someone? If you keep waiting, you will be waiting your entire life and never see the change that you wish to see. 
As Gandhi said, "You must be the change that you wish to see in the world."
So start today and as an individual, work towards the change you wish to see in the world, in your life, and in the lives of others. Do not base all of your hopes and dreams on one person, whose main concern is to protect this nation, and cannot fix the lives of every individual in this country. Instead, use him as an inspiration to take action yourself, in every aspect of your life. You are responsible for your own life, dreams, and the power to help, heal, and bring about change, for yourself and for others as well.
Do not depend on this one person, or on anyone else. Depend on yourself. If he contributes to the changes that you already make for yourself and your life, all the better. But do not wait for one person to change your life or other people's lives or this nation. If some things happen and get better - that's great - but don't wait for it, and don't rely on someone else. Rely on yourself. Look not to the president to change your life. Look inside yourself. And start there.
Have faith in yourself. Anything is possible. Work hard. And believe.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I've realized that throughout life, when something makes us laugh, or really excited, or happy about any small or big thing, we think of things we want to try, places we want to go, see, experience - and we want to share all of these things with the people that we are closest with and to - our friends, family, and that romantic special someone ~ these are all the people that we love the most. It's like we think of them first, and there are a special few out of all of these people, whom we think of first to share it all with :-) whether that's your BFF or your soulmate <3

Monday, November 3, 2008


You have the power to affect change, in this country, and in the world.
Stand up and use that power. Use the rights that were given to you.
And help to make a difference, for you and for everyone.

If you are American, 18, and registered :-)
If not - encourage others to
Tuesday November 4th

p.s. not trying to push politics on anyone - just trying to support positive change in our nation :-)