So, I've moved out of SF, and am home for a few months at my parents. But I am no longer moving to LA. I am moving to New York City :-) LA was the right decision for me out of the options I was giving myself. But my #1 option since I was 16 has been NYC.
My NY decision:
I've wanted to live in NY since I was 16. It's always been "too far, too big a jump, too hard, too scary" and I'm no longer going to let that stop me from going.
LA was the best decision for me out of the options I was giving myself. But the NY option, my more passionate option, was always sitting on the backburner, And it's time to make that dream a reality. I may go to LA one day, but I'm not thinking about that right now. Right now, I want to live in NY. It's the best time in my life for me to do that. I'm young, single, and I'll do plenty of film there. Sure it's nothing compared to film in LA, but I'd rather live in Manhattan and do film 50% of the time than live in LA and do film 100% of the time. Plus, LA is so spread out that people dont drive to see each other after they've been commuting daily for work. People stay in their areas (ex: you live in Santa Monica, you hang out in Santa Monica). I know this from friends who live there. It's not like the bay area where people drive all over to meet up. I want to be in a city where you can take the subway and cover Manhattan in what, 30mins? Definitely not 2 hours of LA traffic. I want to be surrounded by tons of people and where the city is alive, not so spread out by highways like LA.
NY is what I want right now in my life. If it changes in a few years, I'll go to LA. The thing is, there are two cities for film, LA and NY. And I loved living in SF, which is just like NY, except NY is 10 times bigger. But the way SF is set up, 7x7, the city is alive, the type of people, and people are everywhere, and I love that. I like a lot of people together in a small physical area but in a big city.
And also I realized, once you live on your own anywhere, like I did in SF, living with roommates, learning to pay bills, how to be and do things on my own, etc, and now i'm prepared to live anywhere. Once you've lived on your own and can do it, then it prepares you for any city. And sure I may hate NY, so then I'll come back to SF or LA. Probably LA cause of film. But it's like, what's the worst that could happen? I hate NY, I'll go to LA. If I love NY, I'll stay there. But if I dont go, I'll always regret it. Always wonder. What if. What would it have been like. What could have happened. What if I loved it so much and wanted to settle there. And right now is the best time and point in my life to go. And so I am! I’m a tough girl. I can do it!