Saturday, April 7, 2012

Kony 2012 - Part 2

"The better world we want is coming. It's just waiting for us to stop at nothing."
"We believe that human connection extends across the world. But starts across the street."

Kony 2012 - Part 2:

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

4 years in NYC!!!!

Happy NYC Anniversary to me! :-) 4 years ago, I got on a plane at night with a suitcase and duffel bag, and woke up in NYC, to follow my biggest dream and love for this city :-) I slept on a couch in a kitchen (thank you Sonya Petkova!!!!) and worked my way forward from there. :-) Here I am today, in the greatest city in the world, finishing my MBA in 4 weeks and 4 days, working in my field of healthcare and helping others every single day, happily in love with my best friend and soulmate, enjoying life, working and playing hard, with amazing friends and family, and truly living my dream! I only wish the same for everyone and their dreams! :-) They do come true <3