Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Sister's Keeper

I want to share this with you - this is a new movie, from the writers of "The Notebook", called "My Sister's Keeper." It has an all star cast.
Here is the link to the film:

Just watching the trailer makes me cry and I haven't even seen the movie yet! But I see so much love, hope, togetherness, a strong sibling bond, and a family bond - a family who fights to stay together through all the tough times, and to do what is right for their family and for each other, support, care, love, and a family who fights for life for those they love.

I know it's going to be a beautiful family movie about fighting for those you love to live, and about becoming stronger and closer as a family, and that you will do anything for the life and love and bond and togetherness of family and what it means to be a family :-)

I've included the trailer below - definitely watch the entire trailer, listen to the dialogue, hear the music - I'm watching it again at work right now and I cannot stop tears from flowing down my face! In a good, beautiful way :-)
You will hear in the dialogue of the trailer how their older daughter is sick from - I think - renal failure, and they need a genetic match, so they decide to have another child - but during conception, they genetically create the embryo to have the genes to save the other daughter's life. They have another son also. And the trailer shows how this second daughter was born with a purpose, how she wants to save her sister's life and the bond she feels with her sister (thus the title, My Sisters Keeper) and how the disease both takes a toll on the individual, the family, but how love and bravery also brings them together.

Omg I am crying again just writing this! It's not sad crying, it's tears of being touched by the trailer, but more than that, touched by the characters, the dialogue, the music, the theme of love, family, unending care, fighting for life, being brave and tough in the face of any adversity - or like Mohit has shared with me - they aren't difficulties but really opportunities to make us stronger :-)

If the trailer makes me feel so much, I can imagine how I will feel about the movie. I want to see this movie, even though I will probably cry throughout the whole thing, but watching the trailer, feeling what I feel, seeing what I see and realizing what I realize from these beautiful themes, it makes me want to stand up and live my life to the fullest in every single second, that no matter what we face, no matter the ups and downs, life is good, things are good, and will only get better with each moment and each day, and that no matter what we struggle with, esp if it's health related like in the film or like in many of our lives, that we are not alone, that we have faith and God, and that we have love in our lives, family, friends, people who love us and who we love, people who will fight for us, stand by us, stand up for us, be brave with us and help us to be braver, be strong for us and help us to be stronger and never give up, and people who share light, peace, and positivity with us.

Life is beautiful, life is bliss <3
Enjoy :-)