It’s so important to remember the meaningful moments in
life, and what is truly important. When I hold my nephew (almost 10 months) up
to the window of our living room, he starts laughing and talking in his baby
language - and thinks looking out the window at the nature and the cars driving
by is the most exciting thing in the world. He knocks on the window and squeals
with excitement and pure happiness and bliss. When I see the world through his
eyes, with innocence and naivety, I just want to view the world that way too,
and be a part of it with him. And cherish and treasure each moment. I want to
live that life, and not have to constantly think about the reality of the one
we live in, which often is so devastating and depressing (and hard to fathom and
understand as well) that it is too hard to handle, bear, or manage the majority
of the time. I want to focus on the moments that are meaningful, the simple
things, the small things - which really are the big things, and make me so
happy. Smiles, hugs, and cuddles from my cutie nephew, and seeing his milestones and growing up in front of my eyes weekly. New ocean artwork and colorful rugs in our bathroom. A new scent (tea
tree) in our oil diffuser. Playing my favorite channel (One Republic) on
Spotify and singing on the way to work, and back home again. Baking a yummy
cake for Mohit’s 24th birthday. Hugging my Ma Pa. Sunshine coming through the window. Cool breeze blowing through my hair. Warm towels from the dryer. Snowflakes on my favorite sweatshirt. Favorite football team winning the big game. Raindrops on the windows - and waiting before turning on the wipes to move them away - taking a moment to listen to the raindrops, watch them create a painting on your windshield, and feeling the peace inside that comes from that experience - and not rushing through it or rushing to where I need to go - but taking that moment - taking a moment - to just be, and to just breathe, soak in the moments of life, and feel the peace, happiness, and bliss surrounding me, inside and out.
Being thankful that despite tough days, struggles, and an ongoing and constant delicate daily balance of challenges, there is still so much good, so much happiness, and so much to be thankful for - and SO grateful for. I am blessed, I am happy, I am alive. And each day, each moment, is worth it. The good is great. And the bad is good – because it helps us to become stronger and get through the tough times, lean on our loved ones, turn to our family, be so happy in our home and be thankful for each moment - and then good times – and moments – come to us again, and we realize how positive and good all of life is actually and truly. Yes there will be tough days at work or with health issues - and life can often seem like a constant struggle, but those beautiful blissful moments in between are the ones that shine brightly and take over all the doom and gloom that often seems so overwhelming. It all melts away and we are left with positivity and light surrounding us and our lives, with amazing memories and beautiful experiences shared together. So it’s all wonderful and great, this thing called life, no matter the challenges. We are not alone in this thing called life, and can get through them all together. This life is the one I see full of sunshine, rainbows, and birds flying around in my mind. It’s how I choose to view the world and my life with my loved ones, my home, my family, friends, in pure bliss. It’s the way I feel when my nephew hugs me with his little arms, and smiles at me with his two little teeth showing, and puts his head on my shoulder and falls to sleep while I sing him my favorite song “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. I just don’t see anything greater in this beautiful life, cuddling with my hubby, hugging my family, sharing our lives together. I feel all the bliss in the world. And keeping the daily hope and faith that each moment in our present, and upcoming future, will be just as blissful, and even more than we could imagine and feel, with all of our dreams coming true, in each moment.
Hug your loved ones. Tell them today. We are not guaranteed tomorrow.
#together #bliss #peace
Being thankful that despite tough days, struggles, and an ongoing and constant delicate daily balance of challenges, there is still so much good, so much happiness, and so much to be thankful for - and SO grateful for. I am blessed, I am happy, I am alive. And each day, each moment, is worth it. The good is great. And the bad is good – because it helps us to become stronger and get through the tough times, lean on our loved ones, turn to our family, be so happy in our home and be thankful for each moment - and then good times – and moments – come to us again, and we realize how positive and good all of life is actually and truly. Yes there will be tough days at work or with health issues - and life can often seem like a constant struggle, but those beautiful blissful moments in between are the ones that shine brightly and take over all the doom and gloom that often seems so overwhelming. It all melts away and we are left with positivity and light surrounding us and our lives, with amazing memories and beautiful experiences shared together. So it’s all wonderful and great, this thing called life, no matter the challenges. We are not alone in this thing called life, and can get through them all together. This life is the one I see full of sunshine, rainbows, and birds flying around in my mind. It’s how I choose to view the world and my life with my loved ones, my home, my family, friends, in pure bliss. It’s the way I feel when my nephew hugs me with his little arms, and smiles at me with his two little teeth showing, and puts his head on my shoulder and falls to sleep while I sing him my favorite song “Perfect” by Ed Sheeran. I just don’t see anything greater in this beautiful life, cuddling with my hubby, hugging my family, sharing our lives together. I feel all the bliss in the world. And keeping the daily hope and faith that each moment in our present, and upcoming future, will be just as blissful, and even more than we could imagine and feel, with all of our dreams coming true, in each moment.
Hug your loved ones. Tell them today. We are not guaranteed tomorrow.
#together #bliss #peace