Friday, June 10, 2016


Time is fleeting. We do not have infinite time in our lifetimes. Time is precious. It is here for a moment, and gone the next. Time is filled with past memories, present moments, and future dreams. Time is not replaceable, so it is important to treasure each waking moment. Live in the moment, one breath at a time. Make new memories and relive treasured ones. Focus on the positive, and just let go. Just be. Holding on to grudges will cause time to be wasted. Happiness, forgiveness, being positive, healthy, kind and understanding will fill the time you have been given with meaning, memories, wisdom, true, and love. Fill your time with love - love yourself, love your family, your friends, neighbors, colleagues, pets, your soulmate. Time is worthy and meaningful. Time can be short or long, depending on how you choose to see and live your life. Live life to the fullest. Do you remember your favorite memories, moments, and times? Time is a blessing. Time is life's most precious gift. Do not waste it. Not even one moment. Live your time - now.